Monday 18 March 2013

Mission to the Unknown

Hello folks! The Professor is here with another review. Sorry first up, I have skipped a story! I heard that there is a new reconstruction out on DVD of ‘Galaxy Four’ and I thought I’d wait to get a copy of that, which I expect later this week. I considered time hopping forward to a point after it was released. Then someone suggested I could see all the episodes first shown if I jumped back to the 1960s and wouldn’t have to watch a single recon at all. I told that person that that would be breaking the laws of time somewhat, he said it wouldn’t and a long bar fight ensued. Luckily afterwards I popped back to the bar before the guy entered and hid a staser in a cupboard so it all worked out in the end.

‘Mission to the Unknown’. A single episode ‘story’ which doesn’t feature the Doctor, Stephen or Vicki. That was a surprise! I discovered on the tube of you that there are two animations available for this episode, and I watched them both. So I think I got the gist of the story. Not that it’s a complete story. I am presently two episodes into ‘The Daleks Masterplan’, of which ‘Mission to the Unknown’ is a prequel.
It’s a wonderfully atmospheric episode set on the planet Kembel where the Daleks are at work planning something – a big meeting of new allies from across the galaxies. A small group of humans have arrived on Kembel. One is on the tail of the Daleks – Marc Corey (Edward De Souza). They face the Varga plants which leave a thorn in the skin if you’re not careful, turning people in psychopathic killers!  The perfect cover for the Daleks.
It’s a nice little episode, but in no way a complete story, just a prelude to what is to come. It’s well done though, and I was impressed by the look and feel of the thing. You almost don’t miss the main characters. Almost! I look forward to seeing where this is all heading when I get to watch all twelve episodes of ‘The Daleks Masterplan’!


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