We have a change of producer here, as Barry Letts takes the
reins with Terence Dicks as script editor, and Malcolm Hulke, a good friend of
Dicks, was gotten in to write the story.
At its heart, ‘The Silurians’ (please forgive me for not
referring to it as the official title, ‘Doctor Who and the Silurians’, is an
excellent story with some great ideas, performances and direction. It is, I
believe, regarded as something of a classic. But also I think it has many faults
that stretch beyond the design, the costuming and the stupid voices of the
My biggest bone to pick with this story is this – it’s all
so stereotypical. Yes it was made in 1969, we had less stereo-types then, but
nevertheless the three-dimensional Silurian characters plod along such a
predictable course. Some of their dialogue is genuinely terrible. The director
of the project built into the caves, played brilliantly by Peter Miles, is just
pushy and mad. The Brigadier for some reason has no intention of listening to a
thing the Doctor says or advises, despite relying on him completely in
‘Spearhead from Space’ and ‘The Invasion’, and Norman Jones’ character, Major
Baker, also goes a bit stir crazy.
I guess the storyline is purely functional, as are the
characters. And it’s by no means a bad story, but I find all the ‘I am leader
now, we must kill all the humans’ rubbish very lazy writing. The original
Silurian leader suddenly decides to listen to the Doctor and trust the humans,
as the Doctor makes promises he can’t possibly keep, and the Doctor does some
strange things too, like decide not to tell anyone bar Liz Shaw that Doctor
Quin is dead.
Doctor Quin is an interesting character, helping the
Silurians in return for them promising him scientific knowledge. Why he’s so
desperate for the knowledge is not fully explained, and his death around the
middle of the story only rids the story of an interesting character that I
would have liked to see continue.
Malcolm Hulke certainly struggled with the length. It could have easily been six parts if not
four. The Doctor spends a lot of time looking for the cure to a disease in
scenes which are really padded out. That’s why I think the story would have
benefitted with being six episodes, and a new episode one set at UNIT.
However, this sounds like a damning review and I didn’t hate
the story by any stretch of the imagination. The sound-scape is very
interesting, with a series of original sounds and noises used to flavour the
story. Not the sort of thing to sit down and relax too, and very different from
the orchestral scores of TV today, I appreciated what was done. The cast throw
themselves into the story with gusto, no-one could be accused of under-acting!
The sets are mostly good, the cells are cleverly designed.
I like the design of the Silurian costumes on the whole, but
they realisation is poor. The third eye is a great idea, but the creatures look
all plastic and rubber, which the suits were made out of. They were a little
too human like, and thus look like men in suits. They needed a bit of slime or
ooze, the costumes needed to look a bit wet I think. They used the dinosaur
mercifully sparingly, however they still could have used it less. It certainly
was not the most convincing aspect to the story.
The ending, when the Brigadier destroys the Silurian base,
is poignant. Pertwee fits very comfortably in the role, but already he has
shown himself to be rather self-righteous. Otherwise he is quite dynamic and
has built a great rapport with Caroline John as Liz Shaw.
The ideas behind the story are great, let down by some poor
extrapolation in my opinion, but I still enjoyed the story a lot more than it
seems I did from this review!
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